22 March 2006

Cold Sore Remedies


Cold sore remedies, both over-the-counter cold sore remedies and prescription cold sore remedies have been, for the most part, dismal failures. Searches for cold sore remedies and treatments comprise the bulk of internet searches in regard to cold sores. If the commercially available cold sore treatments worked well, this would not be.

The cold sore treatment business is a multi-million dollar industry - primarily because of repeat business. There would be no repeat business if someone came out with a product that actually worked. How much do you spend each year on your cold sores? And really, it isn't the money that's important. What you, and most every cold sores victim, want is just to be done with the re-occuring pain and social embarrassment.

There is one natural home remedy that works extremely well, but it is not very well known because the big companies don't want you to know about it. Once you know and use this remedy, you'd no longer need to spend money with them. You be the judge. Read about this amazing cold sores remedy here.

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15 March 2006

Cold Sores


Cold sores are caused by the reproduction event of either the Herpes Simplex Type 1 or Type 2 Virus - commonly called the cold sores virus. Cold sores are the result of mass cell destruction by the cold sores virus. Viruses, unlike bacteria, can not reproduce on their own. The cold sores virus must have a host. In effect the cold sores virus is really a parasite - a sub-microscopic creature so small that lives inside of nerve cells. As with any living entity, creating new offspring of its own kind is its main purpose and drive. The body defenses normally keep the cold sores virus in dormancy, or asleep, in the nerve cell ganglia behind the ear near the brain-stem. These are the antibodies that your body creates to specifically fight the cold sore virus. They are the "soldiers" that guard the cold sores virus and keep them captive. Kind of reminds me of the nightmare of Vietnam prison camp. When the defenses are called away to help with problems elsewhere in the body, the cold sores virus will escape and travel along that nerve fiber to the surface where they will create your cold sores.
Interested in curing your cold sores permanently?
Cold sores.

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12 March 2006

Cold Sore Stages

Cold sores have 8 stages from the dormant stage until the final red spot disappears. The time line of these cold sores vary with individuals based on their current health and ability to heal. For the most part, with the folks I've worked with, the average time for cold sores is about 3 to 4 weeks. During this time, you are very contagious and must use social responsibility in refraining from sexual activity or any physical social interaction.
More cold sores information.
Cold sores.

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