26 March 2007

Getting Rid of Cold Sores - Quickly & Permanently

To find a way of getting rid of cold sores, quickly and completely, is the ultimate desire of millions of cold sore sufferers worldwide.

Drug companies have been working to find a remedy to get rid of cold sores once and for all - and would be very wealthy if they could come up with a true cure for the dreaded cold sore.

Think about it. There are 6 billion, 301 million residents of this beautiful world. That's a lot of people.

Of those 6.3 billion, the World Health Organization estimates that nearly 90% have been infected with the cold sore virus - or the herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2. That could be considered everybody.

That is a ton of potential customers searching and buying different cold sore remedies - hoping to find one that actually works to get rid of a cold sore.

You are reading this, quite likely, because you have a cold sore right now and are searching for answers. Hopefully this article will give you the answers you seek.

The best way to approach treating a cold sore and fever blister is to find a topical cold sore treatment - one that can be put directly on the outbreak area.

Getting rid of cold sores is very easy compared to other viral infections that take place totally inside the body like the common cold or flu. Response from oral treatment is much slower since you can't physically get at the virus.

The symptoms of cold sores and fever blisters, besides the traditional painful and hideous sore, is quite similar to a flu infection. You feel poorly, your lymph glands may swell, and you usually will have a fever.

Most of the over-the-counter remedies offer different versions of the same ingredients plus maybe an anti-bacterial and/or a numbing agent. Two of the most popular ingredients right now are lysine and zinc.

Lysine has built quite a reputation for helping prevent or for getting rid of cold sores and other herpes outbreaks. I believe it is, in fact, extremely effective as an internal cold sore remedy - as well as very useful for other viral diseases as well.

Lysine as a topical way of getting rid of cold sores has not been too effective, from what I've seen. Lysine is a rather large molecule and just doesn't seem to penetrate the cold sore or speed up the healing. If your cold sore normally lasts 21 days, these lysine based products may cut 3 or 4 days off at best.

I know. I know. They claim better.

I just haven't seen proof of it. Maybe it would be better for you.

One of the most popular lysine based cold sore treatment products is "Lysine Plus". If you want to try a lysine product, this is, by far, the best - and from an excellent company.

The mineral, ZINC, is a strong healing mineral throughout your body, and has proven deadly to virus infections such as colds, flu, and cold sores. Zinc - in the proper form - applied directly to cold sores and fever blisters can get rid of cold sores in half the time of normal duration.

There are a few different forms of zinc. Most zinc based remedies, like Novitra, use a sulfated form of zinc. This is a zinc and sulfur molecule combination that is much better absorbed, both internally and through an external sore, than most forms of zinc. Novitra is quite a good product but costs $13.00 for a scant quarter ounce or so.

A better choice for a way to get rid of cold sores and fever blisters is the form of zinc called "zinc gluconate".

This is zinc attached to glucose molecules and is excellent at penetrating the mucus membrane - such as an open cold sore, in the nose, mouth, or other areas where skin is not a barrier. It is shown to enter the bloodstream in seconds of applying inside the nose.

A product called "Zicam" offers a half ounce gel of this form of zinc for about $7.95 most anywhere. They are limited as to what they can claim about this product by the FDA so it is billed only as a "cold remedy".

It is awesome at preventing and curing head colds, shortening bouts of flu, and getting rid of cold sores and fever blisters. Yes, I am very enthusiastic about this product as a cold sore remedy or as a treatment for any viral infection. (Bird flu?)

PLEASE NOTE: I have mentioned Zicam before. I want you to know I have no interest, financial or otherwise, in this product or the company that makes it. I wish I did because it does work well for head colds.

Here in Northwest Wisconsin, cold sores usually last 21-28 days. Sometimes they don't quit - they just come right back.

A good zinc product can cut this duration period by as much as 50% (11-14 days) - as observed with real people in real life - like you and me.

But, if you are willing to try something new, it could even be better for you. This may not be for everybody, and it may not be for you.

It is a cold sore home remedy discovered by a housewife, by the name of Grace, who was desperate to protect her family by getting rid of her cold sores and preventing new sores from developing and infecting her kids. You may have read about it before.

Hard to believe. But here is how you will
get rid of cold sores in as little as 3 days - permanently.

Take Care

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