27 April 2014

The Leading Herbal Treatments For Cold Sores

By Dr. Wayne Scholfield

Given that herbal medicine is so immensely fashionable, and its proponents feel that it will alleviate almost every condition, it stands to reason that there is an abundance of herbal cold sore remedies being promoted by different sites on the internet. Sifting through all of them is virtually impossible for the regular person, but using a little bit of research, it's possible to detect a variety of recurring kinds of substances that appear to have some benefit.

Black Walnut Extract

Because of its high quantities of natural iodine, black walnut is an enormously popular herbal remedy for HSV-1 symptoms. Iodine has a proven record of successful use as an antiseptic, but there exists an evergrowing mound of data that verifies its effectiveness as an antiviral agent. The herb can be either eaten in dried form in order to control outbreaks, or used topically to heal cold sores and fever blisters.

Natural Aloe Vera Gel

Among the most useful natural remedies for any number of skin conditions, Aloe Vera is also considered a simple yet effective means of relieving swelling and discomfort from oral herpes cold sores, and speeding up their healing process. It is suggested that you use real Aloe Vera Gel instead of moisturizers or creams that contain Aloe for the best results.

Peppermint Oil

While peppermint is known to be very effective at remedying digestive conditions, the plant's oil has now been determined to additionally help in treating herpes simplex virus. Peppermint may be either consumed as an herbal tea, or applied topically in oil form.  This has proven to be a very popular cold sore treatment.

Sage and Rhubarb

The herbal plants sage and rhubarb come in a number of over-the-counter creams, and the blend of the two has been scientifically proven to reduce discomfort and support the healing of fever blisters and cold sores. In fact, recent studies in Switzerland discovered that topical creams that contain both sage and rhubarb were as effective at alleviating HSV-1 outbreaks as medications featuring acyclovir.

Natural Licorice Root

Everybody is familiar with licorice candy, but authentic, natural licorice root can do much more than please your sweet tooth according to some herbal medicine supporters. According to its supporters, consuming 50 grams each day of a licorice root nutritional supplement suppresses the HSV-1 virus sufficiently to cause a dramatic decline in the frequency of outbreaks.

Researchers have led credence to this idea as well, by observing that the glycyrrhetinic acid found in licorice root significantly lessens the presence of HSV-1 in test tubes during research laboratory experiments.

Astragalus and Reishi

Chinese physicians have recommended ingesting the Reishi mushroom together with the natural herb astragalus as a remedy for viral infections for ages. The mixture is usually taken in dried, or pill form, as a regular herbal health supplement.

Although there has not yet been any conclusive clinical data to back up Astragalus and Reishi's distinct success in stopping the herpes virus, initial studies show that the two plants bolster and boost the immune system as a whole.

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

Definitely among the most-broadly accepted herbal cold sore remedies, Melissa officinalis, or lemon balm, has a long track record as an oral herpes treatment in the western world. Unlike most herbal remedies, lemon balm ointment, in particular, has been examined thoroughly by doctors and has been shown to have antiviral qualities that make it effective in controlling the herpes virus.

One Final Word on Herbal Cold Sore Remedies

As is the case with most matters associated with the herpes simplex virus, herbal cold sore remedies enjoy ranging degrees of success in treating different people. Even though some herpes sufferers will discover that using one of the previously mentioned substances completely eliminates their blisters, others may see no effects whatsoever. Only through experimenting by yourself will you be able to establish if any of them work for you.

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22 April 2014

How to Get Rid of a Cold Sore?

By Bill Daley

Sometimes we find small blisters present on the lip region. This is a very common occurrence. This is called a cold sore. How to get rid of a cold sore? Before understanding the treatment measures that could help in solving the problem of cold sore, we need to know the reasons for such cold sores. In that way we will know more about the causes and how to avoid them as well as how to get rid of a cold sore if it happens despite our care. In the end, we will know on how to get rid of a cold sore.

The cold sore is mainly caused due to the virus called the herpes simplex virus, either the HSV-1 or HSV-2. The HSV-1 actually causes the cold sore around the mouth and the HSV-2 mainly in the genital regions. This virus will find its entry into the body through the mouth. It can also enter through the skin. Thus anyone is prone to this viral entry. If a person comes into contact with the sore while kissing a person who is infected, he may get infected as well. The same way, sharing a razor with such people will lead to cold sores.

How to get rid of a cold sore the easiest way? Many people believe that all these cold sores will get healed within few days and it happens as a natural process of healing without our intervention in terms of some medication or any other surgery or simple treatment. This is true. It can get healed by itself if it is left in that way. But if one wishes to get a faster recovery from all these cold sores, then there are some good ways for treating them. There is no permanent cure to treat the cold sore that a person gets out of the herpes simplex virus. But one can at least try to reduce the pain or the other problems caused by it.

There are many ointments purchased in the marketplace for cold sores. These can help in lessening the blisters to some extent.

Some skin creams could be tried together with some pills like acyclovir or Famcyclovir as well as Valacyclovir to resolve the soreness problem.

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