Cold Sores
Cold Sores Treatment
Millions of people needlessly continue to suffer recurrent bouts of cold sores.
Over-the-counter remedies have been the mainstay treatments for cold sores. These cold sores treatments generally provide only partial symptomatic relief. They don't speed the healing of the cold sores or prevent the cold sores outbreak. These cold sores remedies contain numbing agents and anti-bacterial ingredients that help sooth the discomfort and prevent bacterial infection. When the cold sores are open, they can be infected with bacteria quite easily which greatly lengthens the cold sores event.
One of the most common treatments for cold sores has been the application of ice. Ice helps in a number of ways with cold sores. It helps numb the cold sores for blessed temporary relief. It also discourage the cold sores virus from continuing its activity on your lip or nose.
Often, if applied to cold sores at the first sign - the tingling and itching stage - the cold sores will not occur at all.
One downside to using ice on cold sores - it drives the blood away from the area. Blood is needed to heal the cold sores. If the cold sores are fully blossomed, the ice will give comfort to the cold sores, but will slow the healing process.
One way you can still get relief from your cold sores, and help heal the cold sores at the same time is with a frozen tea bag. Mint is a great killer of cold sores virus. Take mint tea bags, soak in water and freeze. Use these instead of ice once the cold sores break open. This will not only give you great relief, but the mint will kill cold sores virus and speed healing.
If you have not checked out the "ultimate cold sores treatment" you really should. It's awesome. It not only heals cold sores fast, but prevents future cold sores. Natural, topical, non invasive, non systemic, no side effects - and a cheap remedy for cold sores.
Cold Sores Treatment
Labels: Cold Sore Remedies, Cold Sore Treatment, cold sores, herpes
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