21 May 2006



Cold sores, once scabbed over, begin healing from the inside out. As new skin forms under the crust, you will experience continued itching, irritation and pain. Your cold sore virus is now retreating back to the nerve ganglia area where it will sleep until the next opportunity.


Cold sores at this stage no longer have a visible cold sore scab and your skin has totally healed over the cold sore area.

Under your new skin, healing is still taking place as the cold sore destroyed nerve cells are regenerated.

This produces a red spot for most people that may linger for another 2 to 14 days - depending on your personal healing speed.

You are still contagious until 2 days after this red spot disappears. This waiting is the most frustrating of the all the stages of cold sores.

And here is the rub. That cold sore red spot can turn around and create a new cold sore if you aren't careful.

You can easily prevent that or any recurring cold sores with this amazing topical home remedy. You won't believe how easy and quick it is. Click this link to read about it now.

Cold Sores

Take Care -
See you next time

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18 May 2006



Cold sores, now have crusted over with a large scab. This may actually be the most frustrating and irritating stage for cold sores.

The healing process of cold sores can be a long process. There is a lot of damage to be fixed. Swollen glands start to reduce in size. The cold sores virus is in the process of moving back to the nerve ganglia to hide for a while. The cloning process is over for now.

Cold sores scabs are normally brittle and will easily crack open when you smile or move your lips. When I used to get cold sores, I used olive oil for keeping the cold sore crust softer and more comfortable - and it contains some anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.

Better yet for cold sores, if you can get some tea tree oil (I've seen it at kmart type stores) use it now. Tea tree oil smells kind of like kerosene so you may not like it. It will keep the cold sore crust soft, but more importantly, it kills bacteria and cold sore virus like crazy. Tea tree oil is an awesome remedy for any bacterial, fungal, or viral surface infection. I tried it on a canker sore inside the mouth once - don't you do it. Terrible taste that wouldn't go away.

Whenever the cold sores crust cracks open, it will start to weep again. As you know by now, this cold sore fluid is teaming with cold sore virus. You must be very careful not to spread this cold sore virus to your eyes, or any other part of your body - or anyone else's body. Wash your hands constantly.

Cold sores can create genital herpes. And that's much worse than facial cold sores. 20% of genital herpes is the cold sores facial virus that has been transferred to the genitals by touch or oral sex. Remember, you are contagious from the first itch until the last red spot is gone. This is about a 3-4 week period where you are socially sidelined with cold sores.

Cold sores.

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17 May 2006



Cold Sores at http://3daycoldsorecure.com/ or http://be-cold-sore-free.com/

Your most painful and contagious of the cold sore stages.

All the vesicles break open and merge to create one big open, weeping cold sore.

Depending on the severity of your cold sores, you may develop a fever and swollen lymph glands under the jaw.

The weeping fluid is teaming with newly created cold sore viruses, just looking for action. Touching this cold sore fluid, you could easily spread the cold sore virus to another part of your body, or someone else's body - either by direct touch or shared objects.

The cold sore virus is very durable and will live for many hours on faucets, telephones, etc. Wash your hands constantly when you have cold sores.

One last note.

Yes, Virginia, you can transfer a cold sore to someone's genitals - and then it becomes genital herpes.

Cold sores.

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15 May 2006


Cold sore vesicles appear at this stage of your cold sore event.

Cold sore vesicles are small, red, hard bumps that resemble pimples. This is no doubt why some believe pimples can cause cold sores. There is, in fact, no relationship between cold sores and pimples. Cold sores are virus driven while pimples are bacteria driven.

These cold sore vesicles are small, individual cold sores. When these tiny cold sores finally mature, they merge with cold sore vesicles nearby and burst open to form one or two large cold sores.

Cold sore vesicles are painful because, if you recall from an earlier posting, they are caused by the herpes virus infecting the cells at the end of the nerves. Touching the cold sore "bumps" can be quite similar to touching an exposed nerve.

The application of ice to this cold sore target area will reduce the pain and discomfort, and will slow down the progression of your cold sore. The damage is done by this time, so you will have to suffer through the open cold sore and healing phase.

The cold sore treatment, that I whole-heartedly continue to recommend, can be applied at virtually any cold sore stage with awesome healing from that point on. It's simply amazing how quickly the cold sore pain and swelling disappear.

In case you are new to this site - it's what I like to call the "3-Cent Cold Sore Cure".

Cold Sores.

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10 May 2006

Cold Sores - Stage 3

Cold Sores
The third stage of cold sores is the inflammation stage.

The herpes virus has reached the surface and entered the nerve cells to begin replication. The cold sores virus, as with all viruses, is a sub-microscopic parasite that needs a host to create more of its kind. When the cold sores virus enters the cell, it turns the cell into a cold sores virus factory - forcing the cell to clone itself as many times as the cell can manage.

This process creates a swelling and inflammation of the cells as more and more cold sores virus are created.

You can try to discourage the replication process of the cold sores virus by applying ice but understand that, at this point, considerable damage to the cells is already done. Ice may slow down the process or stop it at this point, depending how aggressive your cold sore virus is this time.

Of all the cold sore remedies that I've seen and tried - this 3-cent cold sore remedy works best.
Cold Sore

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02 May 2006

Cold Sore Stage No. 2 - Prodrome

Cold Sores

The cold sore virus reproductive cycle begins here. You are now contagious and can spread the cold sore herpes virus to other parts of your body or to others. Particularly, be cautious socially.

The cold sore virus wakes up and travels down your nerve fibers to the surface. This "waking up" can be caused by various mental or physical stresses. Getting a chill in the rain, spending too much time in the sun, a car accident, an upcoming wedding or funeral or getting the flu. You may not even feel stressed but your body does.

At this point the herpes virus that causes your cold sore is moving to the surface to reproduce itself. This movement causes your cold sore target area to itch or tingle. You may notice a burning or dryness sensation. This stage could last a few hours to a few days before entering the more intense cold sore stages.

Catch it early and you can prevent the cold sore from actually happening. Applying ice at this stage will do wonders. It will either put off the cold sore eruption temporarily or, in many cases send it back into hiding.

Remember - your cold sore contagious period starts with this stage.

Cold Sores.

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