02 May 2006

Cold Sore Stage No. 2 - Prodrome

Cold Sores

The cold sore virus reproductive cycle begins here. You are now contagious and can spread the cold sore herpes virus to other parts of your body or to others. Particularly, be cautious socially.

The cold sore virus wakes up and travels down your nerve fibers to the surface. This "waking up" can be caused by various mental or physical stresses. Getting a chill in the rain, spending too much time in the sun, a car accident, an upcoming wedding or funeral or getting the flu. You may not even feel stressed but your body does.

At this point the herpes virus that causes your cold sore is moving to the surface to reproduce itself. This movement causes your cold sore target area to itch or tingle. You may notice a burning or dryness sensation. This stage could last a few hours to a few days before entering the more intense cold sore stages.

Catch it early and you can prevent the cold sore from actually happening. Applying ice at this stage will do wonders. It will either put off the cold sore eruption temporarily or, in many cases send it back into hiding.

Remember - your cold sore contagious period starts with this stage.

Cold Sores.

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