Cold sore vesicles appear at this stage of your cold sore event.
Cold sore vesicles are small, red, hard bumps that resemble pimples. This is no doubt why some believe pimples can cause cold sores. There is, in fact, no relationship between cold sores and pimples. Cold sores are virus driven while pimples are bacteria driven.
These cold sore vesicles are small, individual cold sores. When these tiny cold sores finally mature, they merge with cold sore vesicles nearby and burst open to form one or two large cold sores.
Cold sore vesicles are painful because, if you recall from an earlier posting, they are caused by the herpes virus infecting the cells at the end of the nerves. Touching the cold sore "bumps" can be quite similar to touching an exposed nerve.
The application of ice to this cold sore target area will reduce the pain and discomfort, and will slow down the progression of your cold sore. The damage is done by this time, so you will have to suffer through the open cold sore and healing phase.
The cold sore treatment, that I whole-heartedly continue to recommend, can be applied at virtually any cold sore stage with awesome healing from that point on. It's simply amazing how quickly the cold sore pain and swelling disappear.
In case you are new to this site - it's what I like to call the "3-Cent Cold Sore Cure".
Cold Sores.
Labels: Cold Sore Remedies, Cold Sore Treatment, cold sores, herpes
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