Cold Sores- Denavir
Cold sores, cold sores and more cold sores.
Cold sores are definitely big money for the drug companies.
Barrier Therapeutics recently announced that they were excited to acquire the Canadian distribution rights for Denaver - a topical peniclovir cream for cold sores. This is just another "clovir" spin-off. Up until now, the most commonly known of these has been acyclovir for treatment of cold sores. There are several brand names of this basic anti-viral cold sores cream. They all seem to be at the 1% solution strength. According to Barrier Therapeutics news release, Denavir is the only topical antiviral prescription product approved in Canada for the treatment of cold sores.
For cold sores, this cream is also approved in the US under several different names.
But it doesn't work for cold sores. Maybe it would work for facial moles (just joking).
You see, there is both an oral cold sores treatment and a topical cold sores treatment. In studies, scientists found that the oral cold sores treatment worked with about 47% success. 47% of the trial subjects showed had less cold sores events than they might have had without it. Seems like a real strange study - basing success on what might have been.
These short studies also do not take into the effects on liver and kidney. Also, highly recommended not to take for cold sores if you are pregnant.
The topical cream for cold sores showed no difference between those who used this on their cold sores and those who used a fake stuff on their cold sores.
In fact, the scientists that were involved in the "clovir" cream for cold sores, flat out admitted it didn't work. They stated that the problem was that the active ingredient didn't get absorbed into cold sores. These scientists felt that if they could find a way to get it to absorb into the cold sores, it would work. I believe it might. They could use DMSO but they won't. DMSO has been around for decades. Used mostly on animals it is an amazing substance.
I've said this earlier. It really makes me mad when drug companies have the studies to show their cold sores treatment doesn't work but they keep selling it to the public. Greed triumphs.
And the general public thinks they wouldn't keep selling it if it didn't work.
They will and they do.
Labels: Cold Sore Remedies, Cold Sore Treatment, cold sores, herpes
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