25 April 2006


Cold Sores are a pandemic - a global epidemic. According to the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control, 80% to 90% of the global community is infected with the cold sore virus. About 60% of these folks will have one or more cold sores in the next 12 months.

Fortunately, cold sores are normally not life threatening. The cold sore virus prefers to do its damage on the surface of your skin rather than internally.

However, cold sores do hurt you in several ways.

Cold sores are quite painful, and often causes several flu like symptoms. Fever and swollen lymph glands are common with cold sore sufferers.

Most importantly, cold sores cause considerable embarrassment and, thus, low self esteem in many people. The word "herpes" is a dirty word today, because herpes is extremely contagious and much feared. A cold sore is a form of herpes. Being labeled a herpes carrier in public today affects how others feel about you and how you feel about yourself with these cold sores.

The best solution is to eliminate cold sores in your life, or at least reduce their frequency and time to healing.

Knowing your enemy, the cold sore virus, is the first step. This site cuts through all the baloney that you read and hear from the drug companies and others who just want to make money on you, the cold sore victim. They have no real desire to eliminate your cold sore misery. I have nothing to gain by your continued suffering from cold sores - so I want to help you cure your cold sores for good. I have no phony salves, lotions or creams to sell you each month for cold sores.

Hopefully you will find this site to be a step up from all the other sites about cold sores.


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