13 April 2006



Is there a cure for cold sores?

Some very respectable web sites, such as mayo.com, state there is no cure for cold sores. Yet, many sites shout that there is a cure for cold sores. Who do you believe? Who is right?

Actually they are both right. They simply are not talking about the same thing.

When my good friends at Mayo state that there is no cure for cold sores, they are talking about the root cause of cold sores - the herpes simplex type 1 virus that has invaded the body. There truly is no known way to remove this virus that causes cold sores once you are infected. Most of the time the cold sores virus is latent. The herpes virus that causes cold sores hides inside the nerve cells in the nerve ganglia near the brain stem.

This very durable, sub-microscopic "parasite" will quite likely be with you for a lifetime. To destroy this cold sores creating virus, you would have to find the cells they are hiding in and probably destroy the cell.

Even if there was a way to eliminate this cold sores virus, you would just get it again. The World Health Organization estimates that 90% of the inhabitants of earth currently carry this virus. This could be construed as "everybody" carries the cold sores virus.

Yet, in the medical field, a cure for any disease is defined as eliminating the symptoms.

For example, take a diabetic. If she eats right, takes the right nutrients and herbs, she could eliminate all symptoms. She would be declared "cured" or symptom free. It doesn't mean that someday she wouldn't get it again. Her body would still be vulnerable to the again manifesting the disease. This just means that as long as she remains symptom free, she does not have diabetes.

All diseases are based on the manifestation of the symptoms of that disease.

The same is true with cold sores. The symptoms are the actual cold sores. When you no longer get cold sores, by medical definition, you are cured. You no longer display the symptoms.

Millions of people, although carrying the virus that causes cold sores, are able to keep the cold sores virus latent, preventing outbreaks of cold sores.

It's easy to be free of cold sores for the rest of your life, but only if you choose to do so.

For more information about an amazing home remedy that has proven to cure cold sores permanently, I highly recommend you visit http://www.be-cold-sore-free.com. Learn the truth about cold sores and how you can cure your cold sores in as little as three days.

How beautiful would it be - for you too - to never again have to suffer the pain and embarrassment of cold sores?

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