21 April 2006


It appears that cold sores aren't just for humans anymore. In reference to my last post, research on cold sores has involved giving cold sores to mice.

Now, I have a very active imagination.

Cold sores and mice. Think about it. A lab full of mice running around with cold sores. What a mental picture - mice with cold sores on that pointy little face. What a hoot. If they get cold sores like I used to, those cold sores would take up half their face.

Fact is, cold sores, caused by the herpes simplex type 1 or 2 virus, can be on other locations of the body than the face as well as animals.

The herpes virus that causes cold sores will enter the body anywhere on the body where there is a break in the skin, or where there is no skin. Cold sores can spread to the eyes very easily if you're not careful. These cold sores can blind you or at least cause permanent damage to your vision.

I have seen finger cold sores. These are caused by having an open cut and touching your cold sores. The people that I've seen with these finger cold sores find that they are much more painful than facial cold sores. And these cold sores are much more dangerous because they can be spread so easily to other parts of your body - such as your genitals - or transmitted to others.

As I've always said, cold sores are much more dangerous to our health than most people realize. Cold sores can cost you your eyesight, and your social life.

If you use the cold sores remedy that I recommend on this web site, you will not have to worry about cold sores ever again. Check out this remedy now for your cold sores.


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