09 April 2006



In America over 100 million people will suffer cold sores at least once this year.

Cold sores are epidemic world wide. This could be called a cold sores pandemic. This isn't new. This cold sores pandemic has been around since about 500 years before the Roman Empire. Cold sores in Rome were so bad that one emperor, Tiberius, made a decree that there would be no kissing in public ceremonies to avoid further spread of the cold sores.
The men cheered - the women wept.
It really didn't matter though. Then as today, nearly everyone is already carrying the cold sores virus that creates cold sores events.
Cold sores, in those days, were treated with herbal remedies for cold sores. There weren't any big cold sores drug companies then to sell them cold sores remedies that didn't work. Two cold sores treatments that were used were topical cold sores remedies. Aloe Vera and olive leaf extract.

Aloe Vera liquid applied to the cold sores saw rapid healing. This is a great remedy for cold sores today. If you choose to give aloe vera a try on your cold sores, or your family's cold sores, use the liquid from a fresh leaf. Break off about an inch of leaf and the syrup-liquid inside is applied directly to cold sores. Everyone should have an aloe vera plant in their home. Like a cactus, they take little or no attention. I've seen cuts heal in one day when aloe vera is applied. I repeat - use the fresh liquid only for best results on cold sores.

Olive leaf extract was also used for cold sores. This extract remedy for cold sores took a little time to make. The active ingredients were extracted using alcohol and usually done by a physician or chemist of those days. For cold sores and other sores, olive leaf extract is deadly to all forms of virus, bacteria, and fungus. Cold sores healed quite quickly when this extract was applied to the cold sores.

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