30 April 2006

Cold sores.
Let's look at the 8 distinct cold sore stages, and what you can do now to lessen the severity, discomfort and length of your cold sore event.

Cold sore stage 1 is the inactive stage. At this stage, you do not have any sign of a cold sore outbreak and it is not contagious.

Cold sore stages 2-8 are the active stages and are very contagious during this time. Usually 3 to 4 weeks is the average life-span of a cold sore. Much depends on your health and choice of treatments for each of your cold sore stages.

COLD SORE STAGES: #1 - LATENT - Here the cold sore herpes simplex virus is hiding in the nerve ganglia near the back of the jaw on the same side as your cold sore usually appears. The cold sore virus may "sleep" for weeks or years without incident. Your body's defense "soldiers" keep them in check. When there is stress in another part of your body, your defenses may drop at this location. Then the cold sore virus can escape and travel to the surface to reproduce - beginning the active cold sore stages.
Cold Sores.

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25 April 2006


Cold Sores are a pandemic - a global epidemic. According to the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control, 80% to 90% of the global community is infected with the cold sore virus. About 60% of these folks will have one or more cold sores in the next 12 months.

Fortunately, cold sores are normally not life threatening. The cold sore virus prefers to do its damage on the surface of your skin rather than internally.

However, cold sores do hurt you in several ways.

Cold sores are quite painful, and often causes several flu like symptoms. Fever and swollen lymph glands are common with cold sore sufferers.

Most importantly, cold sores cause considerable embarrassment and, thus, low self esteem in many people. The word "herpes" is a dirty word today, because herpes is extremely contagious and much feared. A cold sore is a form of herpes. Being labeled a herpes carrier in public today affects how others feel about you and how you feel about yourself with these cold sores.

The best solution is to eliminate cold sores in your life, or at least reduce their frequency and time to healing.

Knowing your enemy, the cold sore virus, is the first step. This site cuts through all the baloney that you read and hear from the drug companies and others who just want to make money on you, the cold sore victim. They have no real desire to eliminate your cold sore misery. I have nothing to gain by your continued suffering from cold sores - so I want to help you cure your cold sores for good. I have no phony salves, lotions or creams to sell you each month for cold sores.

Hopefully you will find this site to be a step up from all the other sites about cold sores.


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23 April 2006


Verdict on baby's death returned
This Is West Country Ilminster - Ilminster,Somerset,UK
... Professor Fleming explained that Patricia had died from Herpes Simplex Type 1, which is the same condition that adults can get, when cold sores break out on ...

Under the covers
Hamline University Oracle Online - St. Paul,Minnesota,USA
... Herpes is becoming as prominent as the common cold and it acts very similarly ... If you have these symptoms and are developing sores, please see a doctor right away ...

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22 April 2006

How Contagious Are Cold Sores?

Cold sores are normally not life threatening. Yes, they can be quite unpleasant for at least a couple weeks. Cold sores often bring on flu-like symptoms such as general malaise, swollen lymph glands under the jaw bone, and possibly a fever.

Cold sores are very painful for most people because the cold sores are formed on the end of the facial nerves. It's not unlike the dentist hitting a nerve. The cold sore virus has an affinity to nerve fibers. When a person is infected with the cold sore virus, through a mucus membrane or break in the skin, the cold sore virus will seek out the nearest nerve and that nerve fiber becomes its home for the duration of your life.
The cold sore virus does not travel within the body, but will stay with the nerve that it originally attached to. That is why your cold sores will usually appear in the same general area every time. For example, if you get a cold sore on your upper right lip area, then any reoccurring cold sores from that cold sore virus infestation will always appear in the same area.
If you sometimes get a cold sore in this area, and then sometimes on the other side of the lip, it is quite likely that you spread the cold sore virus to the other place when you had the first cold sore. The cold sore virus, once attached to a nerve group will usually stay with it.
It's not uncommon for a person to spread their cold sores all over their lips. The virus creating cold sores is extremely contagious. The fluid that drains from an open cold sore is absolutely teaming with newly cloned cold sore viruses looking for a new home. It is so critical with cold sores that you be extremely careful not to touch this fluid and then touch another area on your face - or anywhere else on your body where the cold sore virus can enter through a crack in the skin or "soft tissue" like your eyes or genitals.

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21 April 2006


It appears that cold sores aren't just for humans anymore. In reference to my last post, research on cold sores has involved giving cold sores to mice.

Now, I have a very active imagination.

Cold sores and mice. Think about it. A lab full of mice running around with cold sores. What a mental picture - mice with cold sores on that pointy little face. What a hoot. If they get cold sores like I used to, those cold sores would take up half their face.

Fact is, cold sores, caused by the herpes simplex type 1 or 2 virus, can be on other locations of the body than the face as well as animals.

The herpes virus that causes cold sores will enter the body anywhere on the body where there is a break in the skin, or where there is no skin. Cold sores can spread to the eyes very easily if you're not careful. These cold sores can blind you or at least cause permanent damage to your vision.

I have seen finger cold sores. These are caused by having an open cut and touching your cold sores. The people that I've seen with these finger cold sores find that they are much more painful than facial cold sores. And these cold sores are much more dangerous because they can be spread so easily to other parts of your body - such as your genitals - or transmitted to others.

As I've always said, cold sores are much more dangerous to our health than most people realize. Cold sores can cost you your eyesight, and your social life.

If you use the cold sores remedy that I recommend on this web site, you will not have to worry about cold sores ever again. Check out this remedy now for your cold sores.


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16 April 2006




Right now there is no vaccine for the cold sores virus - herpes simplex type 1 and herpes simplex virus type 2 - available to the public. Many research labratories, however, are working on this approach to eliminating cold sores.

Scientists at the "National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research" and the "National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" have developed a trial cold sores vaccine for cold sores.

In cold sores tests on lab mice, the vaccine has prevented the cold sores virus from infecting the animals and establishing itself in the nerves, where the cold sores virus like to hide.

Findings are encouraging on this research on cold sores. But scientists must complete more animal studies on the safety and effectiveness of this vaccine for cold sores before they are allowed to test it on humans for cold sores.

But, cold sores victims shouldn't get their hopes up too much. This cold sores vaccine would only be a preventative not a cure for cold sores (or genital herpes caused by the same virus). It would be useful only for those not already infected with the cold sores virus - which would be hard to find.

Remember, it is estimated, by the World Health Organization, that about 90% of the world population is already infected with the cold sores virus. For all practical purposes, this means "everybody" is infected with the cold sores virus, whether or not they actually get cold sores.

Also, the use of the cold sores vaccine, should it become a reality, would require a blood test first, to determine if any herpes anti-bodies already exist in the body. If the cold sores virus, or its anti-bodies, are present, this cold sores vaccine would be of no value.

In my humble opinion, this particular vaccine will only be good for preventing cold sores if used as part of the child immunization program. Most children by 9 or 10 are already exposed to cold sores.


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15 April 2006



Question: Doc, what causes outbreaks of cold sores?

Cold sores are dependent on your level of health. Also, how you handle stress, and the foods you eat all come into play here.

What causes cold sores for you?

Let's take a look.

Simply put, the stronger your health, the stronger your immune system and the less you'll ever have to worry about cold sores. The stronger your body's defense system the less likely your herpes virus will wake up and produce cold sores. If you get cold sores frequently, then you really need to upgrade your health level.

You know the basics. Quality high nutrient, high fiber foods, low impact exercise, no smoking, limited alcohol consumption, and sleep. Also, today, it's essential - no matter how good your diet - to take a GOOD vitamin supplement. One that contains a large quantity of B vitamins (considered the anti-stress vitamins) and anti-oxidants to supercharge your immune system and help prevent cold sores.

This includes both physical and mental stress. Keep in mind that mental stress always affects us physically too. Stress is blamed as the No. 1 cause of cold sores outbreaks. Because the herpes cold sores virus lives in the nervous system cells, it's very sensitive to stress changes. You can't avoid all stress in your life, but keeping a high level of health will help you cope with the physical aspects of stress and prevent cold sores.

Some of the main stress events that studies show wake up the cold sores virus are illnesses such as colds (thus the term "cold sores") and fevers (thus the term "fever blisters"). Also physical injuries, dental work, pregnancy, allergies, environmental toxins, medications, or an upcoming event like a wedding or funeral causes cold sores. Weddings are particularly bad for cold sores - high stress over a long period of time.

Besides a good diet to improve your general health, take a look at these two amino acids (protein fractions) - lysine and arginine and how they affect cold sores.

Studies have shown that lysine is very much anti-cold sores. Lysine not only helps keep the cold sores virus latent, but also, if already active, will encourage the cold sores virus to go back into hibernation. Foods rich in lysine include eggs, most vegetables, legumes, avocado, chicken, fish, turkey, and ricotta cheese. Additionally, many folks take a lysine supplement. These normally come in a 500 mg. tablet or capsule. During cold sores events, taking 4-6 pills a day seems to help a lot of people. To prevent cold sores many people take a maintenance dosage of 1 - 2 pills.

Arginine, on the other hand, seems to wake up the cold sores virus and encourage it to reproduce. This isn't surprising. Arginine is a little known but very powerful sexual enhancer. Foods that are high in arginine are chocolate, nuts (almonds, cashews, peanuts, and walnuts), sunflower and sesame seeds, grains (oat and wheat), peas, most cheeses except ricotta, milk and pork. Don't avoid these foods - just balance them better with the lysine foods to prevent cold sores. Really - who can avoid chocolate for very long?

I lov chocolate. I just don't make a meal of it (although I could). Chocolate is a treasure trove of nutrients. Excellent for the heart and powerful for the immune system. Enjoy chocolate after a meal and you'll be just fine with your cold sores (unless allergic).

And, I wouldn't worry about lysine foods and arganine foods. Just eat a balanced and healthy variety of foods and you should not see an outbreak of cold sores.


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Question: Doc, what causes outbreaks of cold sores?

Cold sores are dependent on your level of health. Also, how you handle stress, and the foods you eat all come into play here.

What causes cold sores for you?

Let's take a look
1. YOUR HEALTH. Simply put, the stronger your health, the stronger your immune system. The stronger your body's defense system the less likely your herpes virus will wake up and produce another cold sore. If you get cold sores frequently, then you really need to upgrade your health level.

Vibrant health is a huge topic about which many books have been written. But you know the basics. Quality nutrient-dense foods such as fresh organic vegetables, low impact exercise, no smoking, limited alcohol consumption, and sleep. Also, today, it's very wise - no matter how good your diet - to take a GOOD vitamin supplement - one that contains a large quantity of B vitamins (considered the anti-stress vitamins) and anti-oxidants to supercharge your immune system to prevent cold sores.

2. YOUR STRESS. This includes both physical and mental stress. Keep in mind that mental stress always affects us physically too. Stress is blamed as the No. 1 cause of cold sores outbreaks. Because the herpes virus lives in the nervous system cells, it's very sensitive to stress changes. You can't avoid all stress in your life, but keeping a high level of health will help you cope with the physical aspects of stress.

Some of the main stress events that studies show wake up the cold sores virus are illnesses such as colds (thus the term "cold sores") and fevers (thus the term "fever blisters"). Also physical injuries, dental work, pregnancy, allergies, environmental toxins, medications, or an upcoming event like a wedding or funeral causes cold sores. Weddings are particularly bad for cold sores - if the ton of mail I get are any indication.

3. YOUR DIET. Besides a good diet to improve your general health, take a look at these two amino acids (protein fractions) - lysine and arginine in relation to cold sores.

Studies have shown that lysine is very much anti-herpes. Lysine not only helps keep the cold sores virus latent, but also, if already active, will encourage the virus to go back into hibernation. Foods rich in lysine include eggs, most vegetables, legumes, avocado, chicken, fish, turkey, and ricotta cheese. Additionally, many folks take a lysine supplement. These normally come in a 500 mg. tablet or capsule. During cold sores events, taking 4-6 pills a day seems to help a lot of people.

Arginine, on the other hand, seems to wake up the COLD SORES virus and encourage it to reproduce. This isn't surprising. Arginine is a little known but very powerful sexual enhancer. Foods that are high in arginine are chocolate, nuts (almonds, cashews, peanuts, and walnuts), sunflower and sesame seeds, grains (oat and wheat), peas, most cheeses except ricotta, milk and pork. Don't avoid these foods - just balance them better with the lysine foods. Really - who can avoid chocolate for very long?

I don't avoid chocolate. I just don't make a meal of it. Enjoy chocolate after a meal and you'll be just fine.
And, I wouldn't worry about lysine foods and arganine foods. Just eat a balanced and healthy variety of foods and you should not see an outbreak of cold sores.

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Question: Doc, what causes outbreaks of cold sores?

Cold sores are dependent on your level of health. Also, how you handle stress, and the foods you eat all come into play here.

What causes cold sores for you?

Let's take a look
1. YOUR HEALTH. Simply put, the stronger your health, the stronger your immune system. The stronger your body's defense system the less likely your herpes virus will wake up and produce another cold sore. If you get cold sores frequently, then you really need to upgrade your health level.

Vibrant health is a huge topic about which many books have been written. But you know the basics. Quality nutrient-dense foods such as fresh organic vegetables, low impact exercise, no smoking, limited alcohol consumption, and sleep. Also, today, it's very wise - no matter how good your diet - to take a GOOD vitamin supplement - one that contains a large quantity of B vitamins (considered the anti-stress vitamins) and anti-oxidants to supercharge your immune system to prevent cold sores.

2. YOUR STRESS. This includes both physical and mental stress. Keep in mind that mental stress always affects us physically too. Stress is blamed as the No. 1 cause of cold sores outbreaks. Because the herpes virus lives in the nervous system cells, it's very sensitive to stress changes. You can't avoid all stress in your life, but keeping a high level of health will help you cope with the physical aspects of stress.

Some of the main stress events that studies show wake up the cold sores virus are illnesses such as colds (thus the term "cold sores") and fevers (thus the term "fever blisters"). Also physical injuries, dental work, pregnancy, allergies, environmental toxins, medications, or an upcoming event like a wedding or funeral causes cold sores. Weddings are particularly bad for cold sores - if the ton of mail I get are any indication.

3. YOUR DIET. Besides a good diet to improve your general health, take a look at these two amino acids (protein fractions) - lysine and arginine in relation to cold sores.

Studies have shown that lysine is very much anti-herpes. Lysine not only helps keep the cold sores virus latent, but also, if already active, will encourage the virus to go back into hibernation. Foods rich in lysine include eggs, most vegetables, legumes, avocado, chicken, fish, turkey, and ricotta cheese. Additionally, many folks take a lysine supplement. These normally come in a 500 mg. tablet or capsule. During cold sores events, taking 4-6 pills a day seems to help a lot of people.

Arginine, on the other hand, seems to wake up the COLD SORES virus and encourage it to reproduce. This isn't surprising. Arginine is a little known but very powerful sexual enhancer. Foods that are high in arginine are chocolate, nuts (almonds, cashews, peanuts, and walnuts), sunflower and sesame seeds, grains (oat and wheat), peas, most cheeses except ricotta, milk and pork. Don't avoid these foods - just balance them better with the lysine foods. Really - who can avoid chocolate for very long?

I don't avoid chocolate. I just don't make a meal of it. Enjoy chocolate after a meal and you'll be just fine.
And, I wouldn't worry about lysine foods and arganine foods. Just eat a balanced and healthy variety of foods and you should not see an outbreak of cold sores.

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13 April 2006



Is there a cure for cold sores?

Some very respectable web sites, such as mayo.com, state there is no cure for cold sores. Yet, many sites shout that there is a cure for cold sores. Who do you believe? Who is right?

Actually they are both right. They simply are not talking about the same thing.

When my good friends at Mayo state that there is no cure for cold sores, they are talking about the root cause of cold sores - the herpes simplex type 1 virus that has invaded the body. There truly is no known way to remove this virus that causes cold sores once you are infected. Most of the time the cold sores virus is latent. The herpes virus that causes cold sores hides inside the nerve cells in the nerve ganglia near the brain stem.

This very durable, sub-microscopic "parasite" will quite likely be with you for a lifetime. To destroy this cold sores creating virus, you would have to find the cells they are hiding in and probably destroy the cell.

Even if there was a way to eliminate this cold sores virus, you would just get it again. The World Health Organization estimates that 90% of the inhabitants of earth currently carry this virus. This could be construed as "everybody" carries the cold sores virus.

Yet, in the medical field, a cure for any disease is defined as eliminating the symptoms.

For example, take a diabetic. If she eats right, takes the right nutrients and herbs, she could eliminate all symptoms. She would be declared "cured" or symptom free. It doesn't mean that someday she wouldn't get it again. Her body would still be vulnerable to the again manifesting the disease. This just means that as long as she remains symptom free, she does not have diabetes.

All diseases are based on the manifestation of the symptoms of that disease.

The same is true with cold sores. The symptoms are the actual cold sores. When you no longer get cold sores, by medical definition, you are cured. You no longer display the symptoms.

Millions of people, although carrying the virus that causes cold sores, are able to keep the cold sores virus latent, preventing outbreaks of cold sores.

It's easy to be free of cold sores for the rest of your life, but only if you choose to do so.

For more information about an amazing home remedy that has proven to cure cold sores permanently, I highly recommend you visit http://www.be-cold-sore-free.com. Learn the truth about cold sores and how you can cure your cold sores in as little as three days.

How beautiful would it be - for you too - to never again have to suffer the pain and embarrassment of cold sores?

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11 April 2006

COLD SORES-Self Esteem


Cold sores, also called fever blisters and oral herpes, are a most noted for the pain and embarrassment that they cause.

Cold sores embarrassment goes beyond having unsightly cold sores on your lip. Cold sores shout to everyone you meet that you are a herpes carrier. Today, "herpes" is a very bad word. Even though your cold sores do not indicate genital herpes, it puts you in that category.

Cold sores are a real dilemma.

Not cold sores, but genital herpes is what most fear. If you have a reputation for cold sores, you are judged as being a risky sex partner. This judgement is unfair but it's real. This judgement, in light of your cold sores, can have devastating effects on your social life.

Cold sores, in my experience, greatly reduce your self-esteem because of the social judgements people make. Low self-esteem, because of appearing in public with cold sores, will affect most areas of your life in some way. It can make your job more difficult...

and your friends more distant.

Cold sores cause many people to avoid going to work, appearing in public, or enjoying a robust social life.

Cold sores are fairly harmless, and quite common. Over 100 million people in the US and UK will suffer cold sores in the next year. Further, about 27% of these folks will miss work because of cold sores.

Cold sores can give you flu-like symptoms. Swollen lymph glands are common with cold sores. Cold sores also can cause fever and general malaise.

Many cold sores victims have expressed that they would rather get a cold than have cold sores. Quite honestly, when I used to get several cold sores a year, I felt the same way. At least with a cold, although miserable, you didn't have people making a poor judgement of you as with cold sores.

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10 April 2006



Cold sores sure can be embarrassing. But cold sores are actually quite common. It is estimated that over 100 million folks, just in the US and UK will suffer cold sores in the next 11 months.

About 90% of the world's residents carry one of the herpes viruses that causes cold sores. It is estimated that 80% of the cold sores are caused by herpes simplex type 1 and 20% of the cold sores are caused by type 2. There are 6 more herpes types but none have been identified as causing cold sores.
Cold sores caused by type 1 and type 2 are pretty much identical. Cold sores caused by type 2 seem to be less frequent however, when these cold sores do occur, they seem to last a little longer.
By the way - stay tuned. I have something coming up soon that you'll get a kick out of about cold sores.

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09 April 2006



In America over 100 million people will suffer cold sores at least once this year.

Cold sores are epidemic world wide. This could be called a cold sores pandemic. This isn't new. This cold sores pandemic has been around since about 500 years before the Roman Empire. Cold sores in Rome were so bad that one emperor, Tiberius, made a decree that there would be no kissing in public ceremonies to avoid further spread of the cold sores.
The men cheered - the women wept.
It really didn't matter though. Then as today, nearly everyone is already carrying the cold sores virus that creates cold sores events.
Cold sores, in those days, were treated with herbal remedies for cold sores. There weren't any big cold sores drug companies then to sell them cold sores remedies that didn't work. Two cold sores treatments that were used were topical cold sores remedies. Aloe Vera and olive leaf extract.

Aloe Vera liquid applied to the cold sores saw rapid healing. This is a great remedy for cold sores today. If you choose to give aloe vera a try on your cold sores, or your family's cold sores, use the liquid from a fresh leaf. Break off about an inch of leaf and the syrup-liquid inside is applied directly to cold sores. Everyone should have an aloe vera plant in their home. Like a cactus, they take little or no attention. I've seen cuts heal in one day when aloe vera is applied. I repeat - use the fresh liquid only for best results on cold sores.

Olive leaf extract was also used for cold sores. This extract remedy for cold sores took a little time to make. The active ingredients were extracted using alcohol and usually done by a physician or chemist of those days. For cold sores and other sores, olive leaf extract is deadly to all forms of virus, bacteria, and fungus. Cold sores healed quite quickly when this extract was applied to the cold sores.

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08 April 2006

Cold Sores- Denavir

Cold sores, cold sores and more cold sores.

Cold sores are definitely big money for the drug companies.

Barrier Therapeutics recently announced that they were excited to acquire the Canadian distribution rights for Denaver - a topical peniclovir cream for cold sores. This is just another "clovir" spin-off. Up until now, the most commonly known of these has been acyclovir for treatment of cold sores. There are several brand names of this basic anti-viral cold sores cream. They all seem to be at the 1% solution strength. According to Barrier Therapeutics news release, Denavir is the only topical antiviral prescription product approved in Canada for the treatment of cold sores.

For cold sores, this cream is also approved in the US under several different names.

But it doesn't work for cold sores. Maybe it would work for facial moles (just joking).

You see, there is both an oral cold sores treatment and a topical cold sores treatment. In studies, scientists found that the oral cold sores treatment worked with about 47% success. 47% of the trial subjects showed had less cold sores events than they might have had without it. Seems like a real strange study - basing success on what might have been.

These short studies also do not take into the effects on liver and kidney. Also, highly recommended not to take for cold sores if you are pregnant.

The topical cream for cold sores showed no difference between those who used this on their cold sores and those who used a fake stuff on their cold sores.

In fact, the scientists that were involved in the "clovir" cream for cold sores, flat out admitted it didn't work. They stated that the problem was that the active ingredient didn't get absorbed into cold sores. These scientists felt that if they could find a way to get it to absorb into the cold sores, it would work. I believe it might. They could use DMSO but they won't. DMSO has been around for decades. Used mostly on animals it is an amazing substance.

I've said this earlier. It really makes me mad when drug companies have the studies to show their cold sores treatment doesn't work but they keep selling it to the public. Greed triumphs.

And the general public thinks they wouldn't keep selling it if it didn't work.

They will and they do.


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07 April 2006



Question: Is urine therapy a good remedy for cold sores?

Answer: Cold sores quite likely will respond to urine therapy.

I know that urine use is talked about as a treatment for cold sores, along with being claimed effective for just about anything that ails you. Actually there is evidence to, at least partially, support these claims. For cold sores it may work too. I just have never seen any of my people use it for cold sores.

But, on the subject of urine I did have an experience when I was growing up that you might be interested in.

I was in all kinds of sports in high school and had perpetual athlete's foot and terrible foot odor. Nothing could get rid of it. Ours was a good Catholic family of 7 kids. Well, my younger brother missed the toilet one night and I walked right into this huge puddle of urine. My athlete's foot and foot odor were totally gone for the first time in 3 years. It lasted almost 2 months before it came back. So, I do know that urine is awesome for athlete's foot.

Cold sores are usually on your lip. I would have a hard time putting urine on cold sores and getting it in my mouth.

I'd suggest you get a good book on urine therapy through Amazon or some such place.

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05 April 2006

Cold Sores

Cold Sores Treatment

Millions of people needlessly continue to suffer recurrent bouts of cold sores.

Over-the-counter remedies have been the mainstay treatments for cold sores. These cold sores treatments generally provide only partial symptomatic relief. They don't speed the healing of the cold sores or prevent the cold sores outbreak. These cold sores remedies contain numbing agents and anti-bacterial ingredients that help sooth the discomfort and prevent bacterial infection. When the cold sores are open, they can be infected with bacteria quite easily which greatly lengthens the cold sores event.

One of the most common treatments for cold sores has been the application of ice. Ice helps in a number of ways with cold sores. It helps numb the cold sores for blessed temporary relief. It also discourage the cold sores virus from continuing its activity on your lip or nose.
Often, if applied to cold sores at the first sign - the tingling and itching stage - the cold sores will not occur at all.

One downside to using ice on cold sores - it drives the blood away from the area. Blood is needed to heal the cold sores. If the cold sores are fully blossomed, the ice will give comfort to the cold sores, but will slow the healing process.

One way you can still get relief from your cold sores, and help heal the cold sores at the same time is with a frozen tea bag. Mint is a great killer of cold sores virus. Take mint tea bags, soak in water and freeze. Use these instead of ice once the cold sores break open. This will not only give you great relief, but the mint will kill cold sores virus and speed healing.

If you have not checked out the "ultimate cold sores treatment" you really should. It's awesome. It not only heals cold sores fast, but prevents future cold sores. Natural, topical, non invasive, non systemic, no side effects - and a cheap remedy for cold sores.

Cold Sores Treatment

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